So I couldn't find the cord to upload pictures from my camera. Today I went back to the Dongdaemun Stadium to try to buy a replacement cord and the look for DVD's. I'll update later on that adventure, but first here is a round of pictures (I had some problems with format, so excuse the ordering):

This is a shop at Dongdaemun that ONLY sold foreign bags. In this picture you can see a Chanel bag. There were also Abercrombie bags, Disney bags and so forth. Brian told me that Koreans are very status orientated, so buying your goods and putting them in a Chanel bag looks better than a simple black bag. I can't tell from this picture, but I believe most bags were sold for about $3.

This picture shows two things: the market was actually on a street with people driving through and it also shows a car with loudspeakers driving through the crowd. I wanted to get a picture of the side because I think it said something like "choose Jesus and receive hell." They were Christian, just had some trouble with the translation.

This was the alleyway of shoes. I must stress this picture does not do justice to how many shoe stores were on this path.

Silkworm larvae. The smell was so strong that it overpowered every other smell in the market.

This is the room I am in. The bed nearly touches the door. There is a bookcase to the bottom left of this picture.

I usually see that symbol as a swastika. I know that it is a religious symbol for Buddhists and Hindus, but seeing it everywhere takes some getting used to. On that note, there are quite a few Churches with giant neon illuminated crosses that light the sky at night. It looks almost a little Satanic to see these bright red crosses on the skyline...

I think this is a picture of the Eastern Gate (name might be different, though). It was destroyed in the Korean war and then rebuilt. Ada explained that it was a military fort. The reason I like this picture so much is because you can see a meshing of 21st century and 18th century. I bet you $5 those cars turning left are running a red light...

This is Ada's shower. My first night here I went in fully clothed and just set things on top of the washer while I showered, not realizing they would be completely soaked. As you can see, there is nowhere to put dry clothes where they can't get wet. There are a couple nails available to hang towels from.
1 comment:
You are such a tourist.
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