1) I moved out of Ada's place and am now living at Ewha. It is a temporary place until this Tuesday, when I move into my permanent room. My current roommate is French.
2) It will be best for me to purchase a pre-paid phone. The costs of starting up with this plan are about $65 + $200 deposit. The $65 is more than I paid for the phone and far more expensive than buying a pre-paid one from a vendor or someone leaving the country.
3) I bought Warcraft 3 today...a legal copy. It was about $15 dollars, which should testify to my desperation. I put the disc in and had to download a patch:
Oh...how nice...the game doesn't require a CD to play. Hmm, that is just so wonderful and perfectly timed. If any of my friends just sent me a five word email, "Erik, download the warcraft patch," I would have been very pleased. In fact, I would have been a jovial person at that point.
There are two factors to consider with your argument. One is the assumption that your friends are aware of war3 doings and goings on. Of at least your friends from Beaverton whom I think would read this blog, only Steven and I really played on battle.net. My internet has been too bad to play games since I moved, and Steven lost his cd's ages ago and has been playing on a ghetto rang rang version of bnet to get his dota on (which he actually used while he was over at our place the night after the lan in early December).
Also, both of these events, the lack of playing on battle net, are far older than the 1.21b patch. A cursory glance around says it came out about two weeks ago. Therefore, I blame Greg CamponYA, and Matt Stotts, since they both play dota a lot and seem NOT to love you enough to read your blog. I just want to let you know erik that If I know about this(perhaps if I were one of them), I would have downloaded Skpye, written a poem about my knowledge of the lack of a need for a cd, and recited it to you over Skype just to show in some small infinitesimal way how much you enrich my life, by doing this thing for you.
I was also under the assumption you needed to install it.
Now that you can play, please go find a lan cafe and lose horribly against a Korean pro in 1v1 ladder Warcraft.
Hey Erik,
Sound like you're having quite a time in Korea! I just saw on TV that NY Philharmonic is performing in at the Seoul Arts Center on 2/28, just FYI. Anyways have fun, stay safe, and enjoy Seoul.
I weep for you
my poor displaced friend
through some ungodly coup
you're pirating has come to an end
I'd feel more deeply at your loss
had I no better things to do
but the image of your face, cross
has me laughing at the expense of you
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